Green Card Family Fourth PreferenceFrequently Asked Questions1. Green Card Family Fourth Preference Overview2. FAQ1. Who may petition for their siblings to live in the U.S. as lawful permanent resident?2. How do I petition for my brother or sister, we have the same mother?3. How do I petition for my brother or sister, we have the same father but different mothers?4. How do I petition for my brother or sister, we are related through our father, and one of us was born out of wedlock and legitimated?5. How do I petition for my brother or sister, we are related through our father, and one of us was born out of wedlock but not legitimated?6. How do I petition for my stepbrother or stepsister, we now share a common parent?7. How do I petition for my stepbrother or stepsister, we are related through our father, and one of us was born out of wedlock but legitimated?8. How do I petition for my stepbrother or stepsister, we are related through our father, and one of us was born out of wedlock but not legitimated?9. Do I need to file a separate petition for my brother’s or sister’s spouse or his unmarried children under 21 years of age?10. Where should I file the petition?11. Where can I get the forms and fee information?12. What happens after I file the petition?13. May I appeal if my petition is denied?