FOIA Request (Freedom of Information Act)Frequently Asked Questions1. FOIA Request Overview2. FAQ1. What is an FOIA request?2. Can I access certain records without an FOIA request?3. Where can I make an FOIA Request?4. How can I make an FOIA Request seeking information about myself?5. How can I make an FOIA Request seeking information about another person?6. What information should I include in my FOIA Request?7. What happens after the Department of Homeland Security component receives my FOIA request?8. What is the processing time for an FOIA request?9. What happens when a determination on my FOIA request is not made within the applicable time period?10. Can I get my FOIA requests processed on an expedited basis?11. Is there a filing fee for an FOIA request?12. Can I get a waiver of the filing fee for an FOIA request?13. Can I file an appeal if I am not satisfied with a Department of Homeland Security component’s initial response?14. Where can I file an appeal against a Department of Homeland Security component’s initial response?15. What happens after I file an appeal against a Department of Justice component’s initial response?