I-9 ReviewsFrequently Asked Questions1. I-9 Immigration Form Overview2. I-9 Immigration Form Process3. FAQ1. What is Employment Eligibility Verification?2. Do citizens and nationals of the U.S. need to prove to their employers they are eligible to work?3. For whom must employers complete Form I-9?4. Do I need to complete an I-9 Review for everyone who applies for a job with my company?5. I understand that I must complete a Form I-9 for anyone I hire to perform labor or services in return for wages or other remuneration. What is ‘remuneration’?6. Can I fire an employee who fails to produce the required documents within three business days?7. What happens if I properly complete a Form I-9 and the U.S. ICE discovers that my employee is not actually authorized to work?8. As an employer, what is my responsibility concerning the authenticity of documents presented to me?9. May I accept a photocopy of a document presented by an employee?10. What should be done with Forms I-9 after they are completed?11. As an employee, what is my responsibility regarding Form I-9?12. What happens when I discover that an employee is unauthorized to work?13. What are I-9 Review requirements for new owners of existing businesses?14. What are Form I-9 requirements for remote hires?