This form is intended for applicants for U.S. citizenship who seek an exception to the English and civics testing requirements for naturalization “because of physical or developmental disability or mental impairment that has lasted, or is expected to last, 12 months or more.
Filing Fee
Edition Date
Where To File N-648
Should be submitted along with a completed Form N-400, Application for Naturalization
N-648 Special Instructions
- Note that the current Form N-644 edition has updated instructions regarding eligibility to apply for a Certificate of Posthumous Citizenship.
- One important change is that persons who die as a result of active-duty service in the U.S. armed services on or after September 11, 2001, have become eligible for U.S. citizenship.
- For veterans who died several years ago, another important change is the extension of the filing deadline to November 2, 2005. Until further notice, Form N-644 applications submitted on the previous (5/30/91) edition will also be accepted.
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[VisaPro legal team] was incredibly knowledgable and extremely helpful throughout the process. We were exceptionally impressed with how they have combined the great personal and communication skills they bring and also technology with a highly intuitive website which guides you and keeps you updated throughout the process……..This is a true testimonial, I would highly recommend VisaPro to anyone looking for guidance and success in this area."