US Citizenship Forms

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The forms in this section are specifically related to U.S. citizenship and naturalization. Whether you are a legal permanent resident seeking to naturalize, or a U.S. citizen who is seeking proof of citizenship, USCIS forms beginning with “N-” are the forms you will need.

Use the table below to find the form you need.

Form Form Name
N-300 Application to File Declaration of Intention
N-336 Request for a Hearing on a Decision Naturalization Proceedings
Under Section 336 of the Act
N-4 Monthly Report Naturalization Papers
N-400 Application for Naturalization
N-426 Request for Certification of Military or Naval Service
N-470 Application to Preserve Residence for Naturalization Purposes
N-565 Application for Replacement of Naturalization/Citizenship
N-600 Application for Certificate of Citizenship
N-600K Application for Citizenship and Issuance of Certificate under
Section 322
N-644 Application for Posthumous Citizenship
N-648 Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions


VisaPro does not make any representation or warranty as to legality, accuracy, correctness or acceptance of VisaPro generated forms by any State Department. VisaPro does not state or imply any guarantee should you decide to use a VisaPro generated form. We recommend that you use the form after consulting an attorney or any other expert knowledgeable in the laws of the applicable jurisdiction and the specific intended use of those forms.

All the fillable forms are the property of Publication/reuse of these forms in part or whole for a commercial purpose is prohibited. Duplication and retransmission of the form is a copyright infringement.

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