Third Country National VisaFrequently Asked Questions1. Third Country National Overview2. Third Country National Process3. FAQ1. What is Third Country National visa application?2. Who is eligible to apply for a visa as Third Country National?3. What are the documents required to apply for a visa as a Third Country National?4. Is it easier to apply as a Third Country National for a visa rather than at a U.S. consulate located in my home country?5. Is there a difference between going to Canada or Mexico to obtain a Third Country National visa?6. Do I need an appointment with the U.S. Consulate before my Third Country National visa interview?7. If my application for a Third Country National visa is approved, how long do I need to wait until I obtain the visa?8. Are nationals of any country excluded from applying for a visa as Third Country Nationals?9. What is the difference between obtaining a visa as a Third Country National and Visa Revalidation?